I find swimming in the nearby swimming pool a reasonable way to get some exercise done, especially during the winter. It is a 5 min walk from home, another 5 mins to get dressed and in the water, easily affordable (surely heavily subsidized) one year flat fee, plus the number of visitors are available online so you can pick a good spot (yes, the metric is in my Home Assistand dashboard), so there aren’t any valid excuses really. Except, it is just unreasably boring. Fine, 15 minutes, one can do but pushing it to 45-60 minutes, which would make more sense if one actually wants to get some exercise done, is stretching it.
Surely he have solved this problem 2025? Yes, yes, I am glad to tell you, the solution is solid and well tested by now. I bought myself a pair of waterproof (IPX8) bluetooth headphones and by leaving the mobile phone in the towel on the side of the pool, I can swim back and forth listening to podcasts, or even taking calls (tried once), without the slightest hiccup. It just works and the sound is not worse than a normal low-cost bluetooth headset. I wonder why I have not seen anyone else doing this (or do they hide it under their swimming caps?), it is so much better than old-school swimming. Maybe they are further ahead of me and enjoy being offline and to actually think and reflect. Let’s hope so.