Kubernetes powered backup solution over VPN

After ironing out the last bugs with my home grown containerized, distributed, remote backup solution, I can’t say I would recommend it for the average user but if you are comfortable with some hacking, need a backup solution and have a bunch of computers idling at your disposal, this might be for you…

Let’s start with the actual problem, like reasonable people would do. For obvious reasons I do want to backup up files that can’t be easily recreated. For the same obvious reasons I want them stored offsite, the backups should not be burned or stolen together with the original data.

I have done a few iterations of such backup solutions, all utilizing bash and tar in slightly different ways. When hard drives and internet connections got reasonably affordable and quick I added offsite backup over something SSH tunneled (rsync/scp). The location I am currently backing up to has the ftps server only available via vpn so that is part of my limitations in the solution below (otherwise I would say ftps/sftp/scp would have been sufficient for my use case).

The solution I have used lately, running a simple bash backup script (full monthly backup and daily increments which are tared and then encrypted with 7zip) in a Network Namespace with an openvpn tunnel to the offsite location for ftps transfer in the tunnel, has been working more or less fine but had one drawback – lack of parallelization – and running it on multiple bare metal servers is tedious to set up and maintain.

The 7zip encryption is quite demanding and it would be great to scale out in order to take advantage of the available computing capacity in the LAN. Kubernetes to the rescue…

I have a Kubernetes cluster running on two fairly powerful (as of 2021…) Ryzen servers (12 cores/32 GB + 8 cores/32 GB, with one of them running the master node) plus 6 Raspberry Pi 4B 4 GB in my LAN. (The Ryzen servers are running other “nice” processes so should give up available capacity when needed but at the moment I have actually configured the backup jobs to only run on the RPIs tagged with the “rpi” label to not bother the Ryzen servers.)

With version 1.21 Kubernetes included the workload resource Cronjob which basically does what you can imagine (if you have some basic *nix experience). That is quite handy for a backup task since we want the container to run on schedule and self destroy when finished.

Since I want to transfer my encrypted archive to an offsite location in openvpn (without having the host’s networking being affected by this vpn connection) I have a container establishing the vpn connection and one container doing the actual backup task. Since the cronjob is created in a pod where the containers share the networking etc. the backup job is able to transfer to the offsite location.

What about the initial problem, the lack of parallelization? I did not implement some sophisticated queue solution where some workers create the archives and put on a queue meanwhile other workers listens to the queue and encrypts and yet other workers does the actual transfer. The problem itself is quite simple and I want the solution to be simple enough to actually be maintained and to keep it running everyday for years to come.

My simple solution; one cron job for each bigger chunk (the source control repo, photos, family member’s non-cloud documents, mysql databases, etc.) which are scheduled and run independently on the cluster in parallel. I start them during the night (when the internet connections on both ends are not used much anyway) and the compression and encryption tasks don’t finish at the same time due to different file sizes of the archives so they spread out the openvpn/network usage . The transfer tasks share the same limited capacity (about 30 mbit/s to the offsite location in the openvpn tunnel) but the openvpn server is configured to allow multiple concurrent connections from the same user so it is not an issue.

After this introduction, let’s go through the actual implementation including actual configuration and scripts in order for this blog post to actually be useful for someone who wants to implement something similar.

To start with, I run Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (EOL April 2030 so still many years left…) on both the Ryzen servers and the RPIs. The RPI’s are booting and running on reasonably fast USB 3 flash drives and mounted in one of those RPI cluster cases with fans that you can buy cheaply from Amazon or AliExpress. A 7” monitor, power supply for all nodes and gigabit switch is all attached to the case to form one “cluster unit” with only power and 1 network cable as “physical interface”. (When running Ubuntu 20.04 on RPI4, do consider the advice at https://jamesachambers.com/raspberry-pi-4-ubuntu-20-04-usb-mass-storage-boot-guide/.)

I am running Ubuntu’s Kubernetes distribution, microk8s 1.22.4. There are a lot of fancy add ons but according to my experience it is easy to get it into a state where one has to start over if one adds various add ons. After a few attempts I now keep it as slimmed down as possible, no dashboard for example, and only have the add on “ha-cluster” enabled.

Setting it up is basically as easy as running “microk8s add-node” on the master node, and running the corresponding “microk8s join” command on the joining nodes. After that procedure you might admire your long list with “kubectl get no -o wide –show-labels” for example.

Now, over to the “meat” of the solution. The yaml files… I would recommend storing your declarations of the desired states in your source repo so that you can restore your solution on a new cluster with one simple command if needed.

My structure looks like this (I omit the multiple batchjobs and only show two in the file listing below):

-rw-rw-r-- 1 jonas jonas 2745 nov 25 11:02 backup-config.yaml
rw-rw-r-- 1 jonas jonas 3719 nov 29 14:33 batchjob-backup-dokument.yaml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 jonas jonas 3719 nov 29 14:33 batchjob-backup-mysql.yaml

-rw-rw-r-- 1 jonas jonas 5408 nov 24 15:06 client.ovpn
-rw-rw-r-- 1 jonas jonas 242 aug 23 01:30 route-config.yaml

The “backup-config.yaml” (I have tried to indicate the places to update) which contains the script doing the full or incremental backup (depending on the date) including encryption and transfer:

kind: ConfigMap
  name: backup-script
apiVersion: v1
  backup.sh: |-
    DIR_NAME=$(echo $DIRECTORY_TO_BACKUP | tr "/" "-")
    export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
    DOW=date +%a # Day of the week e.g. Mon
    DOM=date +%d # Date of the Month e.g. 27
    DM=date +%d%b # Date and Month e.g. 27Sep
    MONTH=$(date -d "$D" '+%m') # Number of month
    NOW=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d')    
# First day in month (exception for photos in order to reduce the file sizes)
    if [[ $DOM = "01" && $DIR_NAME_FORMATTED != "Pictures" ]]; then
      echo "Full backup, no exclude list"
      echo $NOW > $TIMEDIR/$BACKUPNAME-full-date
      echo "Creating tar archive at $NOW for $DIRECTORY_TO_BACKUP"
      /usr/bin/nice $TAR $NEWER -c --exclude='/.opera' --exclude='/.google ' -f $BACKUPDIR/$ARCHIVEFILE $DIRECTORY_TO_BACKUP 
      echo "Make incremental backup - overwrite last weeks"
      NEWER="--newer $(date '+%Y-%m-01')"
      if [ ! -f $TIMEDIR/$BACKUPNAME-full-date ]; then
        echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-01')" > $TIMEDIR/$BACKUPNAME-full-date
         NEWER="--newer cat $TIMEDIR/$BACKUPNAME-full-date"
      echo "Creating tar archive at $NOW for $DIRECTORIES later than $NEWER"
      /usr/bin/nice $TAR $NEWER -c --exclude='/.opera' --exclude='/.google ' -f $BACKUPDIR/$ARCHIVEFILE $DIRECTORY_TO_BACKUP 

echo "Encrypt with 7zip…"
/usr/bin/nice /usr/bin/7z a -t7z -m0=lzma2 -mx=0 -mfb=64 -md=32m -ms=on -mh e=on -mmt -p'put-your-secret-phrase-here' $BACKUPDIR/$ARCHIVEFILE.7z $BACKUPDIR/$ARCHIVE FILE
echo "Remove the unencrypted tar archive"
echo "Transfer with lftp"
echo "date -u: About to transfer $BACKUPDIR/$ARCHIVEFILE.7z ($FILESIZE bytes)" >> $BACKUPDIR/$ARCHIVEFILE.7z.scriptlog
lftp -c "open -e \"set ssl:verify-certificate false;set ssl:check-hostname no;set log:file/xfer $BACKUPDIR/$ARCHIVEFILE.7z.log;set net:timeout 60;set net:max-retries 10;\" -u user,password ftp://address-of-your-ftp-server-via-vpn; put -O your-remote-path-here $BACKUPDIR/$ARCHIVEFILE.7z"
echo "date -u: Finished transfer $BACKUPDIR/$ARCHIVEFILE.7z " >> $BACKUPDIR/$ARCHIVEFILE.7z.scriptlog

Alright, with that basic backup script in place which will be re-used by all cronjobs, let’s take a look at one specific batchjob, batchjob-backup-dokument.yaml, which does the backup of the documents directory (I kept my paths in order to show how the volumes are referred):

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: CronJob
  name: backup-dokument
  schedule: "30 0 * * *"
  concurrencyPolicy: Forbid
  successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 5
  failedJobsHistoryLimit: 5
  startingDeadlineSeconds: 3600
shareProcessNamespace: true
         restartPolicy: OnFailure volumes: - name: scripts configMap: name: backup-script - name: backuptargetdir nfs: server: qnap path: /USBDisk3 - name: jonas nfs: server: qnap path: /jonas - name: vpn-config secret: secretName: vpn-config items: - key: client.ovpn path: client.ovpn - name: vpn-auth secret: secretName: vpn-auth items: - key: auth.txt path: auth.txt - name: route-script configMap: name: route-script items: - key: route-override.sh path: route-override.sh - name: tmp emptyDir: {} initContainers: - name: vpn-route-init image: busybox:1.33 command: ['/bin/sh', '-c', 'cp /vpn/route-override.sh /tmp/route/route-override.sh; chown root:root /tmp/route/route-override.sh; chmod o+x /tmp/route/route-override.sh;'] volumeMounts: - name: tmp mountPath: /tmp/route - name: route-script mountPath: /vpn/route-override.sh subPath: route-override.sh containers: - name: vpn image: dperson/openvpn-client command: ["/bin/sh","-c"] args: ["openvpn --config 'vpn/client.ovpn' --auth-user-pass 'vpn/auth.txt' --script-security 3 --route-up /tmp/route/route-override.sh;"] stdin: true tty: true securityContext: privileged: true capabilities: add: - NET_ADMIN env: - name: TZ value: "Switzerland" volumeMounts: - name: vpn-config mountPath: /vpn/client.ovpn subPath: client.ovpn - name: vpn-auth mountPath: /vpn/auth.txt subPath: auth.txt - name: tmp mountPath: /tmp/route - name: backup-dokument image: debian:stable-slim securityContext: privileged: true env: - name: SCRIPT value: backup.sh - name: DIRECTORY_TO_BACKUP value: /home/jonas/dokument/ volumeMounts: - mountPath: /opt/scripts/ name: scripts - mountPath: /home/jonas name: jonas - mountPath: /media/backup name: backuptargetdir command: - /bin/bash - -c - | apt-get update; apt-get install -y lftp p7zip-full procps bash /opt/scripts/$SCRIPT pkill -f -SIGINT openvpn true stdin: true tty: true dnsConfig: nameservers: - - nodeSelector: rpi: "true"

As you might have seen in the cronjob above, it is creating the vpn tunnel as a sidecar container (“vpn”) which gets killed after the backup script is done. The “pkill” step is essential for kubernetes to know that the cronjob has finished. Otherwise it would be left unfinished and next nights job would not start (and SIGINT instead of KILL signal is important since the container will be restarted otherwise). Let’s now take a look at the last piece, the vpn tunnel. (The lack of container communication possibilities is hopefully something that gets addresses in an upcoming, not too distant, release. At least there are ongoing discussions for a few years on that topic.)

The vpn container is simply referring to the ovpn config (if it works for you standalone, it will work in this container) and the vpn credentials. Both are stored as credentials, so put your ovpn client config in a file called client.ovpn and create the secret:

kubectl create secret generic vpn-config --from-file=client.ovpn

Same thing with the credentials (I assume now that you will use username and password), create auth.txt with username and password on separate lines and create the secret:

kubectl create secret generic vpn-auth --from-file=auth.txt

That should be it. To test the job without waiting for 00:30 in the case above, kick it off as an ad-hoc job:

kubectl create job --from=cronjob/backup-dokument name-of-manual-dokument-job

You see which pod got created:

kubectl get po -o wide|grep name-of-manual-dokument-job

This pod was called name-of-manual-dokument-job–1-zpn56 and the container name was backup-dokument so the live log could therefore be checked with:

kubectl logs name-of-manual-dokument-job--1-zpn56 backup-dokument --follow

Alright, that wraps it up. Hope it was useful for something. If not for backups, maybe for other use cases where you need to run something in an openvpn tunnel.

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Solar power installation on the winter garden roof

I have had quite a bill from the local energy supplier for many years. Admittedly due to some extensive usage of electrical equipment such as computers in various forms. The AC is also quite power hungry but the days when its service is needed is limited to around 25 days (I did not count, but could serve as a ballpark figure in Canton Zurich…) a typical year.

Pay and forget would kind of solve the problem I guess but with the increased solar panel efficiency this is an option for us who has some roof/balcony or similar to host some panels.

I obviously did a bit of reading and feeding back to the grid would obviously be quite interesting to reduce the electricity bill but it has two drawbacks. More than 600 W requires some bureaucracy which I would be happy to live without and it does not give the same sense of independence/backup compared to the island approach since it requires the grid to be online (which it typically does but nevertheless).

So I settled for the hybrid island approach meaning the panels charge batteries via an intelligent hybrid inverter which also serves as the AC power source for the devices that should be at least partially solar powered. If the panels don’t deliver enough of energy to maintain a certain battery capacity, the batteries are charged via the AC grid.

Regarding my actual solution… I currently have 4 monocrystalline panels (Penta+ ASM6610M-series) with a theoretical capacity of 305 W each, in series-parallel (meaning two pairs of serially connected panels which are connected in parallel). (If you slept during those lessons in school and don’t work in that area, let’s say serial increases the voltage and parallel the current.) These panels are located on our winter garden roof and the hybrid converter is in a room in the cellar. Since the hybrid converter is kind of loud, imagine a medium noisy vacuum cleaner, it should really be in a room where you don’t need to conduct a lot of serious business on a regular basis.

My hybrid converter is a very common 24 V model from Voltronic Power (ODM, sold under a number of brands) rated for 2.4 kW which offers a USB interface (I use a simple client from https://github.com/nrm21/skymax to poll the device for values). It should be possible also to set values (e.g. change from PV charging to bypass mode) but I currently only use it to get values and expose them on a website for my personal pleasure. (I did play with a container feeding a MQTT message broker to expose the current state in a dashboard but my raw output in a table with some homegrown graphs turned out even more useful at the moment. I might revisit that later.)

Battery wise I was choosing among AGM, Gel or Lithium. I settled for the middle road, 4 times 12 V 140 Ah Gel batteries connected in a matching series-parallel connection, which are supposed to be good for 5-7 years. Hopefully we have cheaper Lithium batteries or some other great option when it is time to replace them.

To help the batteries to keep healthy I am using an equalizer to balance the battery load depending on its current state and a battery pulser desulfator to extend the lifetime.

On top of this I have a DC switch (40 A) for the panels, a DC fuse for the batteries (100 A), 16 A AC switch and a Residual current circuit breaker (30 mA) in case some connected AC device (or human) misbehaves.

In theory this system should be able to deliver up to 6 kWh per day but what I have seen during the short time I have had it connected is more like 3 kWh per day. Since a kilowatt hour costs 15.8 rappen on average (considering the “hoch- and niedertarif” hours and rates) I would not consider my setup very cost effective. In about 26 years we should have the costs back (assuming my time is free…) but the batteries won’t last that long.

Financially I think we will have to let the “backup feature” bear some of the costs, redundancy and safety comes at a cost, but I have to admit that the driver for this project was not money but rather the fun of producing ones own electricity…

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Fixing the freezer remote

I got a Dometic CFX 35W which boasts about a convenient wifi interface. The description was not a lie, it does indeed have a wireless network connection, just not implemented the way I would have preferred it. When reading about it, it is not clear exactly how that wifi connection works and I have to admit I was a bit disappointed when I unpacked and noticed that it exposes its own access point instead of the possibility to connect to an existing wireless network. If it would have been able to connect it to existing infrastructure it could have exposed itself for remote control over Internet.

Since it is not possible to connect to an existing internet connected network, it is obviously tricky to control the freezer over Internet out of the box. You are supposed to connect to the freezer’s own network via your mobile phone, so you and your mobile phone has to be physically close to the freezer and in addition loosing the Internet connection (since the phone is connected to a wifi network without Internet access) and on top of that only one client is allowed to connect at a time. I can imagine a use case when this makes sense but in general it is quite useless compared to be able to manage the freezer from anywhere over Internet. Imagine for example where you have the freezer off but you want to cool down some drinks an hour before coming home from work.

So, what to do…? Since the hardware is there and seemingly well working, the case is obviously not lost. Time to apply some basic hacking. Since I plan to typically have the freezer in the vicinity of the house, it will be within reach for my Raspberry Pi acting as server which anyway always is on. It uses the Ethernet interface for network connectivity and the wireless network interface was idle. By connecting it to the freezer’s network we have the network communication established.

The remaining part would be to make it speak the freezer’s protocol and to be able to control it over the web. Since the Android client is easily downloadable (the apk file that is) and not obfuscated, the protocol is basically open. With some basic understanding of Java, anyone is able to decompile and turn the Android app to a plain Java console app. I added a few command-line arguments for the things I wanted to control, like switching the freezer on/off and settings a certain temperature. On top of that I created a simple web page (PHP to the rescue) exposing that capability over the web so I don’t have to SSH onto the server.

Simple web UI for controlling the Dometic CFX 35W remotely.
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Hong Kong Trail

I have spent the last week in Hong Kong and have had the opportunity to spend some of it on Hong Kong Trail.

In brief, it is a 50 km foot path through the five country parks on Hong Kong island. It is divided into 8 sections and is fairly well marked and documented. The trail has its finish at the beach Big Wave Bay, not too far from our hotel so it was pretty convenient to be able to walk to it and start walking backwards. On Tuesday I walked over there and did section 8-5 and the following day I did the first four sections which made me end up at the starting point of the trail, Victoria Peak.

After a more normal tourist day with Tanya and her class mates and monkeys on Kowloon on Thursday, my legs and feet were fit for fight. On Friday, i.e. yesterday, I decided to try to do the whole trail in one day. 50 km is obviously not a long distance for one day but the elevation profile is almost “Swiss style”. I would not say that it is demanding but the heat and humidity adds an exotic touch and the main issue is to avoid getting some blisters or sprain that prevents you from continuing without severe pain.

I had my watch tracking my steps and on the “race day” I reached 74974 steps (61.51 km) which is a new record and which can be compared to last year’s 66560 steps when I ran Adliswil-Zug back and forth.

I was on the trail from 10:40 to 19:10 so that’s 8 hours and 30 minutes. The official conservative estimates says the whole trail takes 15 hours but that is probably more for elderly and picnic excursions.

I walked most of the distance and I only did some slow pace running on flat stretches like section 7 in order to not risk anything. I brought fresh water but refilled with “mountain water” at two places. Halfway through the distance I had a Corny Big 50 gram peanut bar (240 kcal).

For those that think it sounds easy peasy, maybe Hong Kong 4in4 Challenge could be something? At least day 4 and The MacLehose Trail sounds like a challenge.

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July wrap up

I did not sum up the “get in shape” exercise when it reached its official end on 1st of July so I better do it now meanwhile I still remember…

The target was to reach 70 kg by first of July without loosing too much muscle tissue and I reached that by cutting back on the carbs in the end of June. The scales showed 68.7 kg but in fairness a part of that was due to the depletion of the glycogen depots (and more significantly the water that it binds) in muscles and liver that happens when you cut back on carbs. Anyway, I considered the target as reached and moved on to a more relaxed diet to compensate for a somewhat ascetic lifestyle.

What is more interesting in the long run is of course if the weight jumped back severely afterwards. Naturally some weight was added when the carbs were re-introduced and now, 5 weeks after, the weight is at around 72 kg. If one looks at the weight from the beginning of the exercise in February, it means a loss of 10 kg of which it should be mostly fat since I did not get weaker in the major lifts. I aim to keep running and biking during the autumn, knowing that I won’t have as much time as I have had lately, and then it should be possible to stay around 70 kg going forward. That seems to be a healthy weight and if I could switch a few kilos of fat to muscles, that would be great.

Talking of running, yesterday I did a trip to Zug which ended up being 59 km. The weather was perfect and it felt great. I had to walk a bit in the end but in general it worked out well. The pace was nothing to brag about, 5:59 per km, but the goal was to make it home and the time was not of significance. My smart watch reported a new record regarding the number of steps, 66560 and 68 km in total for the day which included some walking in Uster with Andrzej in the evening. I think it will take some time until I beat that record.

Lately I have also re-discovered my Cyclo-cross bicycle. I bought it five years ago but have not used it much. It is great fun though and I have perfect tracks along the river so I look forward to more of that in the future. I probably also need a bike for the road as well but I think that has to wait until I have a bigger garage…

Since I wrote last time I have been to Malta for a week. I was combining work, holiday and a bubb.la meetup. I enjoyed the reliable weather, 30 degrees Celsius every day, and got to swim a bit in the Mediterranean sea. Malta is indeed a very interesting place and the living costs are indeed attractive compared to Zurich. I did a lot of “sightseeing by running” and stayed in a room in Sliema which I rented via airbnb. My host had his peculiarities but it worked out reasonably well. Especially taken into account the modest fee I paid.

Before Malta I also spent a week in Wroclaw, where I always have a great time. Obviously it was a lot of work during the days but I also had a chance to meet with the guys in a more relaxed environment during the evenings. Except for Lufthansa letting me down and stranding me in Frankfurt for a night on the way to Poland, it all worked out fine.

On a final note, I should also mention a great weekend with Rasmus and Veronica in mid-July. Among other things, we went for a very nice hike at Fürenalp in the vicinity of Engelberg.

Now I have one final work week in front of me before the trip to Siberia. (Thieves don’t need to worry, I have a guy staying in the apartment meanwhile who can take care of them.)

Posted in bil, båt, tåg och flyg, cykel, hälsa, löpning, motion, resor, semester, sport, utflykter | Leave a comment

June milestone

The final milestone before the final target was reached this morning. The target was 72 kg and I ended up with 70.7 kg this morning since I did not want to take any chances and fail by 0.1 kg or so 🙂

The idea was to get rid of fat, not muscle tissue, and that seems to have succeeded. The weight loss so far is about 11 kg and it seems to be mostly fat if I should believe the scales and the dead lift results.

The strategy in May was very basic, i.e. trying to get as many days as possible with a negative calorie balance by getting the cardio done in the morning (usually on a crosstrainer) and the resistance training during lunch meanwhile eating as before. The resistance training was a basic half-split with either upper or lower body exercises. I tried to do at least one of the major basic exercises (in my case; dead lifts, squats, bench press, military press) on a daily basis.

May was a month with a quite a lot of cheating with too many tempting hotel breakfasts and restaurant visits in Barcelona and Venice. Anyway, some progress was made and the body definitely got some days of extensive energy input as well which potentially could have helped to keep the BMR reasonable. The strategy regarding the food is also simple in theory, go high on protein and low on carbs and don’t over eat too often. Research is pretty clear that it is easier that way, especially when it comes to keeping the weight under control in the long term, due to a number of factors.

June will hopefully be a month with some further moderate progress. Nothing radical, just some slow steady steps towards the previously defined target of 70 kg.

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May milestone

I did study the scales with some interest on Sunday morning to see if I had met the target of the 1st-of-May-milestone. To improve my chances and have some margins, I did not eat an awful lot the day before.

The goal was to weigh less than 74 kg and the scales did show 72.5 kg so I can tick that one off.

The milestone for 1st of June is still 72 kg. I am aware that the weight is currently varying between 72.5 and 74 kg so getting it stabilized below 72 is still a valid target for the next milestone and it would put me in a good position for the 1st of July final.

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Milestone 1 and 2

The first milestone is now in the past and the scales did show 76.3 kg on 1st of April which is 5.6 kg less since the start 6 weeks ago. Next milestone is 1st of May and I have approximately 6 kg and 3 months left until the target, i.e. 70 kg on 1st of July. That means 2 kg per month if I aim for “linear progression”. To make it easy I’ll go for that and aim for 74 kg on 1st of May. I can see a challenge on the horizon since I have a visit to Barcelona planned for the second half of April…

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One month later – reality check

It is about a month after announcing the get-in-shape challenge and it is time to check the progress. I am approaching the first milestone which is in 10 days and the plan says I should be at 77 kg by then. The scales did show 78.4 this morning so with a good finish it should be possible. If we would trust the scales, which one could of course argue against but this is not a scientific study by any means, I would be minus 3.5 kilos of fat since a month back. It’s alright, not great and not bad.

The past week had its own set of challenges and temptations since I spent it on a business trip with hotel breakfasts and daily social dinners in restaurants. Fortunately I did not get totally carried away and seems to have neither gained or lost any weight in Poland. I did squeeze in one or two exercise sessions per day so I guess that helped.

Well, that’s enough as a status check for now. I’ll write again after the upcoming milestone to keep up the motivational pressure.

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Get in shape challenge

After a long break, the blog is resurrected and returns with a classic “get-in-shape-saga”. Facebook is clearly not the right forum for that, so the blog will do in order to up the ante and add some peer pressure.
I have to admit that since the move to Switzerland, my physical shape has degraded substantially and some people need to hit the bottom in order to get one’s act together. Some clothes don’t fit at all or much worse than before and this got to stop before overweight turns obese. Now is the time.
Tanya is on-board with her set of goals but here I will focus on my own targets and (hopefully) achievements.
To help to achieve ambitious goals we don’t only need a stoic mindset – technology to the rescue! In this spirit we have therefore invested 50 hard earned francs in scales worthy of the 20th century, i.e. with Bluetooth and apps.
After the initial set up of the new technological wonder, the scales are able to understand if it is Tanya or myself who is staring at the display and the scales present all measurement values (BMI, body fat percentage, and – wait and behold – the weight), on her or my mobile together with graphs and indicators.
It should be noted that the method used by these cheap scales to measure fat, water and muscles, bioelectrical impedance analysis, is not always 100% accurate but if measured in the same way at the same point in time of the day with the same device, the figures can be used to observe trends.
So, now to the hard figures… I start off at an not so impressing 81.9 heavy kilograms which is way too many taken into account my 175 centimeters and my current body fat and muscle percentages. Just the weight alone would of course not say much since in theory I could have much more muscles and much less fat than what is the actual case (and muscles obviously weigh more than fat).
To have a simple goal which is “easy” to work towards, I have stipulated that on 1st of July (this year, I am closing down that loophole…) the weight is no more than 70 kg and the muscle percentage (41.3) not lower than today. That should protect against the sloppy solution of just getting rid of muscles and preserving the hefty body fat level of 20.5.
So, what is the strategy? It is possible to theorize about energy balance, calorie deficit, the thermic effect of carbs vs protein and so on but it can also be put quite simple: eat well and do more work-out. “Eat well” in this case means for me to skip the sugar (and other food with excessive GI load) and up the protein on the expense of carbs. When it comes to the training, I aim for more and heavier power training and some cardio to be able to eat enough to keep the protein synthesis level reasonable. The lunch gym sessions that I already do needs to be more serious and be allowed to get longer. It goes without saying that alcohol will be kept to a minimum.
The almost 20 weeks are split in three blocks. The first block, which started yesterday is about shocking the body and making some progress which is good for motivation. There will be a noticeable calorie deficit and by 1st of April  we have the first milestone, the scales should show no more than 77 kg. The would mean almost 5 kg in 5 weeks which is challenging but realistic.
It is not possible to keep a hefty calorie deficit for long, the body adapts and lowers the basic metabolic rate and it might start to use muscle tissue as an energy source. In the second block I will keep only moderate calorie deficit and increase the workout intensity. Heavy load is the only way to show the body it needs to keep, and add, muscles meanwhile continuing to loose body fat due to still being on a calorie deficit. I expect a weight around 75 kg on 15th of May.
In the third phase it is time to get in shape for the grand finale which means back to fewer calories again and sufficient training to reach 70 kg on 1st of July.
Sounds easy. I hope I will have good news to report along the way instead of some miserable excuses.

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