Author Archives: jonas

Summary of first weeks in June

Last weekend there was a “bachelor party” (swedish: svensexa) for me here in Zurich. It included swimming in lake Zurich, barbecue, billiard and some bars. Andreas and Rasmus were here for a few days which was very nice. Rasmus and … Continue reading

Posted in arbete, bil, båt, tåg och flyg, datorer, datorsäkerhet, löpning, motion, resor | Leave a comment

Parent’s weekend in Moscow / Föräldrahelg i Moskva

English: Last weekend we had a weekend with our parents in Moscow which worked out really well. Our parents met in person for the first time but everything went smoothly. Tanya and I had arranged with a two-room-apartment at Tverskaya … Continue reading

Posted in bil, båt, tåg och flyg, resor, semester, utflykter | Tagged | 2 Comments

Long Mondays

These Mondays when I leave Moscow in the middle of the night and end up late at office due to production issues or similar, tend to be long days. Nevertheless, I am at home now and it feels great. Proper … Continue reading

Posted in arbete, bil, båt, tåg och flyg, hus och hem, kläder och skor | Tagged , , | Leave a comment


English: I have installed CyanogenMod 7.0.3 on my HTC Desire and therefore run Android 2.3.3 instead of 2.2 which I used to run. It is clearly an improvement and is recommended for everyone with a supported mobile. Next version, Android … Continue reading

Posted in elektronik | 2 Comments

Photos from Kazan

We have put some photos from Kazan in an album. Feel free to take a look. Some captions are currently not so well written but they might improve slightly over time.

Posted in fotografering, resor, webbservern | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Going back to Moscow

Today we have seen one more draw in the Russian Premier League, Rubin Kazan got 1-1 against Akmar from Perm. The weather was nice and sunny so we enjoyed it even though it was frustrating that our Rubin boys could … Continue reading

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Shopping, theatre and Easter service in Kazan

Since our apartment is conveniently located a 10 minute walk from the centre of the city centre, we started the day with some walking. After a few minutes of walking we found ourselves in Media markt and fortunately we could … Continue reading

Posted in bil, båt, tåg och flyg, kulturellt, resor | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Friday in Kazan

We arrived Friday morning to the railway station in Kazan and started our sightseeing tour with breakfast at McDonald’s. After finding out that Rubin Kazan is playing Amkar on Sunday we bought tickets at the stadium. Then we went to … Continue reading

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Train to Kazan

After a day of work in Moscow we catched a night train to Kazan in order to go easter for Easter. We had booked “seat tickets” (not cupé, open landscape with benches) via the not so user friendly rzd website … Continue reading

Posted in bil, båt, tåg och flyg, resor, semester | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Excursion to Sparrow Hills

I arrived to Moscow early this morning after leaving Zurich yesterday evening. Today we have both been working during the day and in the evening we took the metro to Sparrow Hills for a great night view over some central … Continue reading

Posted in arbete, bil, båt, tåg och flyg, resor, utflykter, vardag | Tagged , | Leave a comment