We arrived Friday morning to the railway station in Kazan and started our sightseeing tour with breakfast at McDonald’s. After finding out that Rubin Kazan is playing Amkar on Sunday we bought tickets at the stadium. Then we went to Kremlin and had a look at Kol Sharif’s mosque and other prominent buildings in the Kremlin area.
After a full day of walking and sightseeing we were a bit tired and found shelter in an apartment in a scary house not too far from the city centre. That kind of house is not easy to find in Sweden or Switzerland but inside it looks okay.
It is now Saturday and the weather is not too bad. Greetings from Tanya and Jonas in Kazan.
Det var en lång dag igår. Bäst att ta det lugnt inför all uppståndelse imorgon… glad påsk!
All uppståndelse, nu fattar jag 🙂 Bilder kommer i ett album inom kort, jag kommer att upplysa i bloggen.