Visiting Gothenburg

I arrived to Gothenburg yesterday and today in the evening I will visit Dan Söderström who has invited for dinner. Weather is great and it is nice to be back in Gothenburg.

Today at lunch time Julia and I had lunch/breakfast at Andrum.  Two days ago I had dinner at another vegetarian restaurant, Hiltl in Zurich, the only difference was that the price was three times higher in Zurich.

After arriving around midnigh Joel and I took care of one of servers which had experienced some stability problems  lately. It seems like it was an overheating issue due to three out of four fans being defect. We quickly replaced them and so far it seems to make a difference.

Tomorrow Dan Söderström and I will take care of some practical issues and watch some football. A work-out session at MAK is scheduled around lunch time. I have lost a lot of strength since we used to work-out together regularly but it will be interesting to see how much.

The plan is to bring the sewing machine back to Zurich on Sunday. It fits nicely in the luggage and with some clothes acting as cushioning I think it will work out well.

Next weekend there is a “IT 2001 reunion” in Linköping. It would be great to meet again but I am not sure yet if it fits my schedule.

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