New home office

Our Zurich apartment has been awarded a home office. Since Tanya has been spending some time at home studying German, the need for a work place has emerged and yesterday we went to IKEA to find a desk, office chair, and shelves. The idea is that one should be able to have a place where one can sit comfortably and work independently of meals (i.e. not at the dinner table).

Tanya had the bright idea that we should be able to fit a desk in front of our window facing North. We used to have a Vallvik shelf there but the new office does not only add a workplace, it also makes the room feel bigger, closer to 30 than 28 square meters 🙂

Home office – now Tanya needs a white computer…

The view from the office

Ater a lot of traveling in the beginning of January, we have been spending time in Zurich the last weekends. That has been very comfortable and nice but it is soon time for some traveling for Tanya. She is going to St Petersburg and Moscow for a week. One month later, in March, we are both going to Moscow for a weekend to catch up with our Moscow friends.

Speaking of traveling, our Easter trip this year will be to Paris together with two Moscow friends. We trust that our Saab will take us back and forth (approx. 6 hours each way) and the hotel is already booked. The weekend after we are going to Gothenburg over SechselÀuten. Later in June we go to Kiev for Euro 2012, and then in August it is time to pay Siberia a visit again.

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One Response to New home office

  1. Johannes says:

    You can always rely on IKEA and hopefully also SAAB 🙂

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