Weekend in Adliswil

After coming home from Siberia there has been two more normal weeks but they have been enhanced by two friends coming and staying a few days. First came Sasha, a guy doing his PhD in northern Italy, and then Rasmus, my old time friend and once flat mate, from Stockholm. We did some sight seeing, e.g. a car trip to Rigi, and last Saturday we went to Nordiska’s kräftskiva with Rasmus and Sam.

Today in the afternoon we have been walking in our neighborhood mountains, around Felsenegg, with Freja and Sam. On the way back we passed by a self service shop attached to a farm, where one can buy locally produced delicious food and drinks. After writing on a text pad what one is buying, one simple puts the money in a hole in the wall and walks out with the groceries. I can imagine that this concept won’t work everywhere but obviously it works well enough around here which is very nice and cool.

Except for walking we have also been doing some practical stuff today. I gave the car some much needed care and Tanya has been doing her first major work with the sewing machine. Earlier on I used to be the operator but now she is more skilled than I (not too difficult in this case) and seems to enjoy the creative process, at least when the sewing device adheres to her often vocal and explicit directions 🙂

Last Friday I did my last day for the project I have been working in for the last 26 months at Credit Suisse. I expect next week to be a soft start in my new project though since I will start with four days of training (strictly speaking not related to the new project). I also expect quite a lot of work during the autumn to get into the new project which is supposed to be a “high pressure project”.

For the coming two months we have plans for Greece (both), Russia (Tanya), Norway and Sweden (Jonas). We start off by ending our fragmented holiday (part three) with a week in Santorini, then Tanya will go back to Novokuznetsk for the third part of her grandmother’s funeral (the finishing part after 40 days). In October I will go for Norway and Sweden for errands and pleasure. Bis gleich!

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