Freja, German and Fermented herring

After coming back from Greece three weeks ago, Tanya went to Novokuznetsk for two weeks. Since Freja stayed with me I had to plan a bit more carefully in order to not leave Freja alone at home for too many hours in a row. She is usually fine with 5 hours or so, but more is not desirable. This meant that I had to go home at lunch time to let her out. That worked well though since it only takes 20 minutes to go home. In the evenings I either worked from home, or went home for a while and then went somewhere with or without her.

The day after we came back from Greece I started my German course. It was only me who signed up for the course so instead of twice a week I only have one class a week. Hopefully this will help me to improve my German substantially.

This week Natasha is visiting us which means that four ladies, including Freja, are staying in our apartment. Tanya and Natasha have been doing some sightseeing and shopping in Zurich during the week and we will soon go to Luzern for some more sightseeing. In the evening Nordiska has a Fermented herring party (Swedish: surströmmingsskiva) which we will attend together with some other friends.

Next weekend I am going to Oslo and Gothenburg.

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2 Responses to Freja, German and Fermented herring

  1. Rasmus says:

    I didn’t understand who the fourth lady is?

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