Social weekend

We have had a social weekend including visiting friend, multiple parties and world cup football. Rasmus is visiting and we have been to two parties so it has been a very nice and social weekend, in bright contrast to previous more construction-work-oriented weekends. Okay, we did go to a construction market (Jumbo) on Saturday but in the evening we went to a samba party in Goldau. There were many Brazilians at the party and we watched Brazil beating Chile so we got a taste of how the world cup is in Brazil. Today we continued with the theme of Portuguese language and went to our Portuguese friend’s bbq party.

Today in the morning, Rasmus and I took the Porsche for a ride. It was raining a bit but not enough to disturb us when we were going Albis pass-Türlersee-Buechenegg Pass. We did not skid and collide with a single car/tree/cow and made it home without crashes or losses of human lives.

The last week we have finished the fake-brick-wall in the winter garden. There is still a lot of painting to do for Tanya but if the rain can make some breaks in the coming week, there is a chance that it will be finished soon. Next thing on my agenda is to remove the garden tiles and to prepare for the new ones. We have also received the cover boards that we will put in front of the radiators but there is some work to be done in order to install them. In other words, some progress but still a lot of head of us with the renovation.

Next week starts in a few minutes. Cheers for now.

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One Response to Social weekend

  1. Desiree Liljenfeldt says:

    Nice with variations in free time activities.

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