Early Monday morning Sonja started to make her way out to the world. At 12:48 on 6th of October Sonja and Tanya succeeded together with some help of the midwives. My role was mainly to support with the pain relief during the labor.
Sonja is a healthy 54 cm long and 3630 grams heavy girl. All fingers and toes are in place and in our eyes she is obviously the most beautiful girl in the world.
Tanya and Sonja are still at Triemli hospital, where this blog entry is also published from, and I am here to visit when possible.
Tanya’s mother is staying at the hospital with Tanya and at home Sasha is currently assembling her bed so it is good team serving little Sonja.
Jag undrade om det var något sånt som hintades i förra inlägget..! Stort grattis! Hoppas alla mår fint.
Tack Helena! Alla mår bra och sen i torsdags bor Sonja och Tanya hemma.