Category Archives: bil, båt, tåg och flyg

Back in Moscow

Tanya, Natasha and I are half-way between Novokuznetsk and Moscow in an Airbus A320 (thanks Ural Airlines for once again providing Airbus instead of Tupolev!). We have been served our Ural Airlines food and the salmon dish, which we all … Continue reading

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Back from Sweden visit

Tanya and I were in Sweden over the weekend to meet with Kapten, other friends, relatives, and parents. It was a great weekend and we had a packed schedule with good experiences. Among our memorable events this weekend we have … Continue reading

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Weekend in Geneva

On Friday evening Tanya took a flight to Geneva while Saab and I simultaneously drove from Zurich. After picking up Tanya at the airport we went to the city center and checked in at our hotel. Our old Saab has … Continue reading

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Visiting Gothenburg

I arrived to Gothenburg yesterday and today in the evening I will visit Dan Söderström who has invited for dinner. Weather is great and it is nice to be back in Gothenburg. Today at lunch time Julia and I had … Continue reading

Posted in bil, båt, tåg och flyg, resor, styrketräning | Leave a comment

Back in Zurich

It feels a bit surrealistic that I left a somewhat chilly Siberia this morning and now in the evening am back in my apartment in Zurich. I travelled with my parents until Munich where we split up in northern and … Continue reading

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Recap of the last two weeks

ENGLISH (Swedish version below since I anyway wrote it in Swedish first, forgetting about having an English speaking blog nowadays) After our Mallorca trip we had one week together in Zurich, I was back at office during daytime and Tanya … Continue reading

Posted in bil, båt, tåg och flyg, elektronik, fotografering, hus och hem, resor | Leave a comment

Going to Mallorca

After two intensive weeks which included a wedding and its preparations, we are now off to Mallorca for some relaxation. The aircraft is scheduled to depart in 30 minutes and the flight lasts for less than two hours. It is … Continue reading

Posted in bil, båt, tåg och flyg, datorer, resor, semester | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Summary of first weeks in June

Last weekend there was a “bachelor party” (swedish: svensexa) for me here in Zurich. It included swimming in lake Zurich, barbecue, billiard and some bars. Andreas and Rasmus were here for a few days which was very nice. Rasmus and … Continue reading

Posted in arbete, bil, båt, tåg och flyg, datorer, datorsäkerhet, löpning, motion, resor | Leave a comment

Parent’s weekend in Moscow / Föräldrahelg i Moskva

English: Last weekend we had a weekend with our parents in Moscow which worked out really well. Our parents met in person for the first time but everything went smoothly. Tanya and I had arranged with a two-room-apartment at Tverskaya … Continue reading

Posted in bil, båt, tåg och flyg, resor, semester, utflykter | Tagged | 2 Comments

Long Mondays

These Mondays when I leave Moscow in the middle of the night and end up late at office due to production issues or similar, tend to be long days. Nevertheless, I am at home now and it feels great. Proper … Continue reading

Posted in arbete, bil, båt, tåg och flyg, hus och hem, kläder och skor | Tagged , , | Leave a comment