October update

We are already deep into October and yesterday also the weather in Zurich realized that is is now truly autumn. September, and the first days in October, offered really pleasant weather; 20-25 degrees Celsius and mostly sunny. When going rollerblading last Sunday for example, one could easily believe it was July if one would only draw conclusions from inspecting the weather conditions. Yesterday and this weekend there will be a lot of rain but it does not matter too much, there are still many nice things to do.

This morning Tanya flew in from Moscow and I picked her up at the airport. Since she did not get too much sleep tonight and she is having a rest now while I am typing silently. It is probably wise for her to get some sleep since we are soon going to Nordiska’s kräftskiva (fermented herring party). I did attend last year but it will be Tanya’s and Sam’s premiere. I hope they will like the food as well as the company but I am not totally convinced yet regarding the first item. It is a 10 year anniversary so I am prepared for an excellent evening.

Last weekend, when visiting Mr Roubert and observing the latest copy of NZZ am Sonntag, I once again thought it would be a good idea to subscribe to Neue Zürcher Zeitung, at least NZZ am Sonntag, which is delivered weekly. Today I am a man of action and have signed a subscription request. This might also be a part of Tanya’s and mine aspirations in requisitioning proper knowledge in the local language (or at least high German).

Some people have been asking when Tanya is coming to Zurich on a more permanent basis without flying back and forth to Moscow too much like I used to do earlier. She will go back to Moscow twice in the next month but only quick visits (Thursday to Saturday) in order to fulfill some final assignments for the university. Apart from these trips to Moscow, of which I will only attend one of them, and a visit to Stockholm in the last weekend in October, we will be in Zurich in October and November.

Today I went out for some running in rain, or “jogging” if one should be more honest and precise, but it has not been enough of workout sessions lately. It is not too boring if one is enjoying a decent audio book meanwhile and now I am listening to Brobyggarna (English: The bridge constructors) by Jan Guillou. It is the first book in his series about the 20th century (Swedish: Det Stora Århundradet). For others who are considering reading this book, there is a review from Dagens Nyheter. Knowledge in Swedish or the usage of Google Translate or similar is useful.

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