Wireless audio sync with Android and iPhone

In a wireless world it feels a bit awkward to plug a cable just to transfer some audio files to your mobile. I have found solutions that work for my phones running Android and iPhone.

I use my Macbook Air frequently enough to be reasonably satisfied with a solution that works on Mac. It is of course nice to be able to do it in Linux as well and then Syncness seems to be an option but I have not looked into it yet. Maybe later.

Apple has included wireless synch since iOS 5.0 and it works fine with iTunes. Regarding synching to the iPhone, I leave it like that. Since I have more music than I can cram into the iPhone, I manually choose which playlists to synch but that is convenient enough. No further investigation needed for my simple requirements…

For Android I took a look at Winamp’s solution and it works in a simular way after installing their client on a Mac or Windows computer. The Mac client is still a Beta release but it worked reliably so don’t hesitate to try it to see if it suit your needs.

For me the two solutions outlined above worked well enough in order to stop looking any further. Please enlighten me via the comment section if you have tried Winamp’s solution and found something you like better or if you have a well working sync solution in Linux.

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2 Responses to Wireless audio sync with Android and iPhone

  1. Johannes says:

    Hi Jonas!

    I use a samba/FTP client on my phone and upload/download files in this way to a share on the network. Works okay but not perfect.


    • jonas says:

      Hi Johannes, that seems to make sense in most cases. If one is more or less forced to use iTunes for some other things, the Winamp solution might be more suitable since it re-uses the playlists etcetera from iTunes.

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