Freja family friend

Yesterday evening we went to get Freja from her house outside Mühlrüti, outside Fischingen, outside Winterthur, outside Zürich. She is a 10 week old Sheltie girl and we met three weeks ago when we went to reserve her.

The trip back was not so enjoyable for Freja, she got car sick and puked, but now after only 24 hours at home, she has already settled down. She enjoys to relax in her bed but if it is possible she prefers to be close to us.

Freja has not yet learned that the toilet is outside but we are working on it and she is doing some progress. She seems to understand when we want her to go to her bed and sometimes she seems to understand that she is called Freja. The mirror in the living room is still a bit confusing to her and that is one of few things that can make her bark. Her usual behavior when something is a bit scaring is otherwise to find a secure place and sit down.

Tomorrow I will go to the “Gemeindebüro” to register myself as a dog owner. This means one needs to show a theory course certificate, that the dog has been registered with the national database and got a chip, and that one has a decent insurance. Dog owners have to pay a “dog tax” here in Switzerland and how much differs from canton to canton.

Today in the evening we took a first short walk with leash down to Sihl and it is soon time to go for one more short walk before sleep.

The photos are taken when Freja is 10 weeks and three days.


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4 Responses to Freja family friend

  1. Rasmus says:

    Is that a tribute to Rederiet? 🙂

    • jonas says:

      Haha, I had forgot about M/S Freja. Nope, it was actually Tanya’s idea and she has not seen Rederiet.

      • Tanya Liljenfeldt says:

        actually, it’s a tribute to Scandinavian mythology which I’m very fond of. Although, Freja’s behavior sometimes makes me think, that Loki 😉

  2. Desirée says:

    Oh what a lovely dog and nice easy name. She looks smart will surely learn fast good manners. Hopefully she will have fun with you and be a source of much pleasure.

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