Dan Söderström’s funeral in Anderstorp

One of my best friends passed away very much too early on 4th of May after fighting ALS for three years. More than one thousand days of sorrow and also many good moments for Dan and his friends. The process and its implications are too complex for this blog post – they are too big for me to grasp and to get my head around. I might put my thoughts into words another day but certainly not at this point.

Yesterday many of Dan’s friends and relatives gathered to say goodbye in a worthy and emotional funeral in his hometown Anderstorp. I find it hard to write about it without getting very sad.

After the funeral I went back to Gothenburg with Gustav, Jenny, Tor, and Julia. In the evening i enjoyed Kubb and table tennis with my brother Joel. I was delighted to find out that I can still play decent table tennis – unbeaten for the whole evening 🙂

It is soon time for boarding in order to go home to my ladies in Adliswil and my two days in Sweden are over for now. My next planned trip to Sweden is in two months, then there are better reasons – a wedding instead of a funeral.

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